Monday, February 7, 2011


Wahoo! I quit facebook! After checking to see how many new responses everyone had today and getting NOTHING done, I finally just quit it!

I feel really good and hope that tomorrow and everyday after that is totally productive!



Today all I did was one measly load of laundry, which I didn't even get put away before my husband came home. I did not clean the kitchen or anything else for that matter. Honestly, I do not know what I did. I know that I took a shower and brushed my teeth and went to the gym. 'Bout it. The rest of the hours of the day were spent creepily staring into the lives of others. I'm done. Shawn came home and could barely get to our bedroom due to the piles of laundry in the hallway. Yep, it's over! I probably still won't be the best housewife, or even a mediocre one, but I'll be a present one. Go team!


  1. That is awesome!! I didn't know you were even considering quitting. I feel so much better about myself and my time now that I have removed the ridiculous obsession of FB from my life. You can totally do it, it is easier than you think. AND you will spend more time actually talking to your friends on the phone - which makes you feel good too.

  2. It is a true obsession! I am not sure I am ready to give it up just yet, maybe this spring/summer when I am actually home!

  3. ya for you!I admit i am addicted too. but since i am always working, it nice to see whats new with everyone. but i just sat here for 10 min reading your blog so i guess its just the same!!

    sara stevenson
