Friday, February 11, 2011

A Day in February

Things that happened to me today, not in this particular order:

  • Watched a play in a different language that my daughter was in with her class
  • Ran a 8:27 min. mile
  • Cleaned up dog poop smeared into carpet
  • Found out that the judge accepted my excusal for jury duty
  • Tried to fix my thermostat, to no avail
  • Almost cried on the phone to my oldest child's teacher for being an idiot
  • Almost cried to my husband on the phone because the house was freezing and I couldn't get the heat to come on
  • Did cry to my husband when I got into a car accident
  • Got into a car accident
Everyone is okay with the accident. The van's right side is in pretty bad shape, but no injuries to humans. And, no, I was NOT texting or reading or talking on the phone while driving. Blake actually had my phone in the back, playing a game. Apparently, it is NM law to call an accident in, although according to my insurance company, you don't have to call if no one is injured. Good thing it is drill weekend and my hubby works with a lot of police men. Just a side note, the police officer who came to the house for the report was super nice and nothing at all like those meanies I met 11 years ago when I was arrested.

Accident=bad. Hubby came home early because of accident=good.

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