Sunday, January 30, 2011

Ridiculous much?

Dec 18: Arrive in CO at inlaws, as Maren had been coughing most of the way there in the car. She vomits after dinner and most of the night, coughing so hard.

Dec 19: Constant coughing, not a break and Mucinex doesn't work.

Dec 20: Cough is broken up, less frequent

Dec 31: In Florida, Maren starts coughing mid-day. She goes to bed coughing.

Jan 1: On the road, Maren coughs all day, thankfully we are stopped every time she pukes. We make it to Biloxi, MS. She coughs constantly all night, rushing to the bathroom and now has a fever.
Blake has started coughing this day as well.

Jan 2: On the road, Maren coughs all day, though she doesn't vomit as mush, she has a constant fever that will not break with meds. Finally I find the thermometer and her temp is 103.5 under the arm. We stop in Dallas at the ER, where she is diagnosed with an ear infection and possibly strep, due to the vomiting.
Blake coughs all day, constantly.

Jan 3: Last day of car trip and Maren is better with meds and has a little appetite. Coughing is infrequent and so is vomiting.
Blake coughs all day, constantly. We finally arrive home and he is starving, we make a light dinner, which he immediately throws up.

Jan 5: Sent Blake to school, it is a short day, but he coughed so hard he threw up. Had to pick him up early.

Jan 6, 7, 10: Blake is at home, his cough is too bad to go to school and he also cannot go to jiu-jitsu. He cannot even run around at home, or jump on the trampoline, because he will cough so hard he will throw up.
Maren has been going to school, feeling great.

Jan 11 (1 am): Maren wakes up crying that her ears hurt. I give her drops and cover a heating pad and lay her on it. She continues to cry that her ear hurts, all night.

Jan 12: Send Blake to school with note that he cannot go to recess. Maren stays home and I take her in, double ear infection.


Jan 25: Get call from Maren's school to pick her up, she has a fever that has risen 1.o° while waiting. Take her home, give her Ibuprofen, she plays just fine.

Jan 26-27: Maren has a continual fever of 102.5-103.3. I take her in and it's viral. Push fluids and alternate Ibuprofen and Tylenol. Have to keep Haydon home too, he flat out refuses to get on the bus if she isn't going as well, though he isn't ill.

Jan 28: Maren is better, still under the weather but playing and has an appetite. I start to feel not so great. Haydon starts coughing.

Jan 29: Haydon wakes up with a fever and I medicate him all day. I wake up feeling terrible and medicate. Maren starts coughing and coughs constantly, every 8 seconds. She coughs all night, throwing up she coughs so hard.

Jan 30: Hopefully Shawn and Blake won't get it. They are out today, staying away from the sick house and getting fresh air.

Will this ever end? It is getting hard to be kind with sickness round the clock. I know they cannot help it, but it's annoying!!


  1. Wow. That really really really sucks!

  2. Oh I had no idea it had been this bad. I would have whined and cried about this WAY more than you have. You are a tough lady! I hope you all get well soon!
