Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I am beginning to NOT like talking on the phone. GASP.

I was on the phone all morning dealing with this pre-deployment weekend thing coming up. And I drove about 50,000 miles today for 3 errands because we live in BFE. And I saw a sign in my BFE neighborhood stating that there will be a meeting about building townhouses. Seriously?!

And I decided to drop out of my Bunco group. The thought of one more thing that I might possibly need a babysitter for just makes me want to curl up in a ball and cry.

I thought Spring Break was supposed to be relaxing. We've been on the go since Friday, when SB started, and will be gone most of the day tomorrow. I am exhausted.

And tomorrow I will be on the phone, all morning, again, trying to find a venue for a meet and greet for the unit. Go team.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry. If it makes you feel any better - I'm still laughing about you grabbing Haydon by the sweatshirt and pulling him away from the information booth at the NHM. You did it so smoothly and efficiently - it was as if you had done it before. HA! Why don't you send the kids over here in the morning? We can do crafting while you gossip on the phone. ;-)
